ul. Wojciecha Żywnego 25, 02-701 Warszawa
(22) 620-25-06

Międzynarodowa wymiana młodzieży

W dniach 1 – 8 marca byliśmy w Adrii we Włoszech na międzynarodowej wymianie młodzieży. Zostaliśmy przyjęci przez burmistrza Adrii, zwiedziliśmy Wenecję, Weronę i inne miejsca, niektórzy z nas pojechali nad morze. Mieliśmy także zajęcia w szkole Istituto de Istruzione Superiore-Liceo „Bocchi-Galilei.

Our students said:

„The Italian exchange was a great experience. My host family was really nice to me and the food was very delicious. I think the best part was meeting new people and making new friends with whom I hope to stay in touch for a long time!

„Italy is so nice, so sunny, so warm and we had here the best friends in the world. I’ve really enjoyed little streets of Adria and fantastic chilly vibe of the city. For me – best 8 days in the entire 2023. 


It was a great experience. My host family was very kind, I felt like a member of the family. I met an amazing group of people, we had so much fun together. But the best part of the exchange was home-made Italian food!!!
