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Międzynarodowa wymiana młodzieży

W dniach 1 – 8 marca byliśmy w Adrii we Włoszech na międzynarodowej wymianie młodzieży. Zostaliśmy przyjęci przez burmistrza Adrii, zwiedziliśmy Wenecję, Weronę i inne miejsca, niektórzy z nas pojechali nad morze. Mieliśmy także zajęcia w szkole Istituto de Istruzione Superiore-Liceo „Bocchi-Galilei. Our students said: „The Italian exchange was a great experience. My host family was…
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Friday and Saturday in Galway, Ireland

Friday was our last day in Atlantic Language School in Galway. We presented the videos on which we had worked for the last couple of days. They were all captivating and highly creative. We talked to our teachers for the last time and took some group photos to memorialize our time with these amazing people.…
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Day 4 in Galway

It was snowing the entire day. During classes in Atlantic Language School we worked on our vlogs. After lunch an Erasmus EngLife event was held, there were speeches and snacks for everybody. We got to meet students from the Bish school again and tried Irish sweets and snacks together and got to know each other.…
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Day 3 in Galway 

This day was vastly different from our usual day in Ireland. We went on a trip to one of the most iconic places on the west coast of Irealand – the Cliffs of Moher. We also visited an old medival castle on our way. We took a long walk along the cliffs and were truly…
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Day 2 in Galway

Tuesday was the second day of our lessons at Atlantic Language School in Galway. We have started preparing for the travel vlog which is the main objective of our trip. Later we had the opportunity to interview the students of the bish boys’ school. We were surprised how different their perspective was from the students…
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EngLife – Atlantic Language School in Galway (day 1)

Today was our first full day in Galway. After first conversations with our new teachers and friends, we soon broke the ice We learned about Irish accents, Irish slang and usage of „Hedging” in English. „Hedging” is a way of generalising and softening the language in order to define uncertainty.  After class we had some…
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Nasza szkoła przystąpiła do projektu „Onkoakademia kluczem do zdrowia” realizowanego przez Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny przy wsparciu ze środków budżetu Państwa. Wybrani uczniowie będą uczestniczyć w wykładach i warsztatach poświęconych profilaktyce nowotworowej. Ze strony szkoły koordynatorem projektu jest pani profesor Aneta Majcher.

Tytuł Doktora Nauk Humanistycznych

We wtorek 31 stycznia nasza niezastąpiona polonistka, filozofka i etyczka Ola Korczak zwieńczyła kolejny etap edukacyjnej kariery i uzyskała tytuł Doktora Nauk Humanistycznych.  Pani Doktor obroniła rozprawę pt. „Dziewczęce i kobiece postaci literackie w kanonach lektur szkolnych klas 4-6 po 1989 r. w perspektywie gender studies”. Usłyszała bardzo przychylne recenzje i dużo słów podziwu, że…
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